Do you want beer or vodka a woman asked me when I was at my last social gathering? It was a while ago, but I remember her face when I said water or soda, please.
She was dumbstruck. What do you mean she said like she had no idea what nonalcoholic drinks were.
I have tried this so many times, so I usually just get water in the kitchen myself, it is easier than taking the looks and remarks. I have such a hard time with the fact that we can’t seem to find a movie or a show on tv where alcohol is not a huge part of social interaction. If there is any kind of nonalcoholic action, it is because someone is a recovering alcoholic, not that they simply chose not to drink.
It seems we MUST drink; otherwise, we are boring or stupid.
BUT I don’t drink because I don’t like the taste, the feel and most of all I don’t want the lack of control I get when drinking.
Health thoughts
There has been this new age wave of health fanatism, where it is almost forbidden to drink. I was recently told in a mail that a person was proud of me because I did not drink because psychics should not drink. It would cloud my gift as she put it. I have heard this more than once, but this was full-on.
So If I drink, I am a terrible psychic and cannot be trusted was the essence of her mail. Energy people should not drink, smoke, or anything like it to pollute their body and mind. This is something I find disturbing for many reasons.
First off, I don’t think I am a terrible psychic if I sometimes drink, not that I do. As long as I don’t drink when I work, that is ok, I think. Then there is the part about judgment. These people I have heard talk about this are the first to talk about how clean and healthy you should be to work as a psychic or energetic person.
They talk about vegan, vegetarian, yoga lifestyle and tell me and others you cannot be anything because it pollutes your body with meat and wrong movements again, you become a terrible psychic. It seemed almost like an eating disorder if you have followed a food lifestyle just to be able to be psychic.
I react very badly to judgments. I don’t think other people should judge what I do as long as I am good at my job and don’t hurt anyone. I am me, and I don’t need others to tell me if my life is “ok” to live with my psychic ability.
I was born with my gift as a psychic; I did not choose to go to school to learn or do anything; it was there from the start. I have done stupid things in my life, and it was still there. I have eaten stupid things, been through horrible things, and it is still there.
So the next time you think about judging me for drinking or not drinking, for eating meat or not eating meat, for not doing yoga or doing yoga, just stop yourself.
Turn it around, and ask yourself if you would want others to judge you that very same way?
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