A session with Alicia is a magical meeting full of love, direct and honest points. The first time I didn’t know what to expect. Was at a point of my life where I was following a wrong and destructive path. I was very surprised with what I was told, even though some of it made sense straight away, some took longer to fall into place. But everything made sense on a very deep level. All I could do was listen and what she said, helped me stop for a moment and turn towards a more positive a loving path.
I always get a lot to think about during her sessions, and it is a characteristic that it takes a bit of time to sink in in full. Sometimes not until much later, when I think back to what was said, does it make absolute sense, almost as if my sub-consciousness mind had made a note of it, while my conscious mind couldn’t grasp the depth of the message in full.
It is always a meeting with a sensitive respect for the person she’s setting across, a caring tone and a sense of being in safe hands. I have always had the experience to be guided in a subtle and useable fashion. – Malene
I have always had a mad skepticism towards the “alternative” or “spiritual” world. But I have to admit that Alicia has shaken this stubborn skeptic, and that there are things that cannot be measured; Things I do not understand. Alicia has a special ability to “translate” in a way that makes a big difference in my life.
I’m grateful to be able to draw on her help, to better understand myself my past and my path. – Sus
I visited Alicia together with a friend, and I knew that she had certain abilities. But when she started telling about my friend, both her and I were speechless.
Alicia told about things about my friend that she had no way of knowing, which was spot on.
I didn’t get that much with me that day, but have subsequently been seeking advice from Alicia when buying horses, and also here she has been right.
I have recommended her several times, and they have had the same experiences. So Alicia definitely has something which is not bestowed onto everyone. – Dorte
Honest presence on eye level. – Line S
Fantastic, nothing less. – Vibeke
Alicia is able to tilt my entire world around, but only if that is what it takes. She has made a huge difference in mine and my kid’s lives. I warmly recommend Alicia. – Maria
My visit at Alicia was very heart warming. I felt that she could see what was troubling me without me telling her and thereby giving her the opportunity to figure out what I wanted to hear. I got a lot of answers, both those I had come for but also answers that I didn’t expect to get.
It made me realize that I had to change jobs to become happy again, which will benefit both my family and I. I see my daughter’s problems as a resource and Alicia has given us tools to look at our issues differently. So even though it was only me who went, it has been a positive for the entire family. – Louise D
Alicia is a remarkable woman, who is very open towards the spiritual world. It comes naturally to her and she shares her knowledge as well as theirs with everyone who has a need for it. – Heidi
Short and precisely; Alicia is always right. – Christina
Alicia doesn’t just manage to answer your questions, but also the questions hiding deep inside of you, that you barely even knew yourself. The care is so delicate and pure and far extends what your imagination. – Bettina Andersen