Three things to know when you want to control karma.
The first time I heard about bad karma was as a small child and thought that was a weird way to see things as they were. I have throughout my life heard about good karma and bad karma and thought it was just a hoax. There is no such thing as bad or good karma; it is just karma.
Karma is the action and reaction to everything. When you do something, there is an action and, therefore, a reaction. Karma is another word for the reaction you get from your actions. When you act unaware or do things that are not good, you get bad back. What you put out is what you will get back in some form.
One: Take responsibility for your actions.
If you want to control karma, you need to recognize the pattern of behavior. Not blaming or pointing fingers but looking at and examining your patterns of behavior. Do you keep on repeating the same things over and over again? Are you always in lost relationships? Do you keep on feeling outside socially? Look at your life.
Once you have identified your patterns (you might need help), then you can take responsibility and change them. Karma will work for you when you start to change your patterns. Because of a pattern in repeating once you sent the same things out into the universe repeatedly.
Two: Do good things
I often tell people that good things do not come back bad. It is a karma law saying. If you sent out good things, you will get good things back. The good action has a good reaction. It is not enough to only think about good activities; you must maybe schedule good things. Incorporate healthy and good habits of sending out good stuff.
Three: Be aware of the now
One of the things we often do as people are the same thing over and over but expecting a different result. This makes it extremely hard to move forward. Once you recognize your patterns, you can take action and change things around you. Be present in every moment to look at how you do things. How can you be more present, and at the moment is key to moving forward?
Karma will be present, so you have to be aware and observant. When you want to change karma or control it, you have to be mindful in the moment all the time and not give up because the payout is not instant.
All in all, you need to take charge of your life and make sure you are responsible and aware of what is going on in your life.
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