Sometimes some words resonate with me so deeply that I need to share them.
The other day a friend of mine wrote a poem that was so strong I needed to share with you.
I often talk to people about losing the trust we all must have in life, the universe, and Spirit if we want to move forward and be happy.
I told my friend that I get lost in my trust in the universe sometimes, and she was surprised. “even you,” she said and yes, even me. We are in fact all connected even when we don´t feel like it.
I have had times in my life where I got lost; I forgot how important it is to connect to my soul and Spirit. When you don´t connect or do not listen, but only work in your ego and the world right in front of you, and we all do this from time to time, you end up feeling alone.
Not necessarily lonely, but there is always this connection missing from your soul. It is that trust in the universe that they have your back, that they want what is best for you, that there is a path forward and a reason for things to happen, you need so deeply.
2020 thoughts
This year of 2020 has been one of testing people and their spiritual connection. It has been hard to stay connected when social distancing and isolation is a thing. On the other hand, it might have brought us closer to others because we become so painfully aware of the missing people in our lives. It has so far been a year of loss and fear but also joy and connection.
One of the tools I use in my work, and my connection to Spirit is meditation. Not huge meditations, but just sitting 5-10 minutes every day connecting to my soul, to all living creatures and Spirit. Not for a long time but enough to be reconnected to everything. I do use other meditations and practices too, but the one where I sit quietly and connect is essential to my soul. Another thing I use is to write down signs and journal about the situations where I have felt Spirit work for me or with me.
When I lose my trust and connection, I can look at the journal and reconnect with those moments. Sometimes the ego needs proof, and that is one way to give it.
So back to my friend and her poem. It is so strong and will resonate with a lot of people. She is one of the strongest people I know, and even though she might not feel it, she is connected.
Her blog is both in English and Danish, but the poem here is in English. (there are several in English) Find it here
Faith in Spirit and the universe
How to find the faith
that I have lost?
Where to find it
I don’t know
I don’t know where
to look for it
I only know that
I have lost the faith
in believing that
there is more to this world
than the eye can see
How to find the connection
to spirits and the universe
and the trust that they are
with you always?
Why did my faith
disappear so suddenly?
Why do I question that
there is more than meets the eye?
I don’t know the answers to
all of the questions that
has hit me at this time
I only know that losing
faith in this is very hard on me
How do I find the faith
in spirits and the universe again?
How do I find my way back?
I really need to find the way back
because I’m about to
give up on all things