Some time ago, I met my old driving instructor. In Denmark, we can only do driving lessons with a licensed teacher. This made the hours spend with the instructor very hard or fun, depending on chemistry.
He is a funny man, pretty strict but a good man. I remember one discussion with him where I insisted, I looked in my side mirror and he insisted I did not. He was agitated; I did not use my mirrors enough. I thought to myself; no one was there. He also insisted I had driven a car before even though I had not. He said nobody is that good from the first time they drive, he insisted.
What I did not tell him was the old man in the backseat sent from spirit to guide me. My intuition was strong, and I connected with my driving guide in the back.
When I met him recently, he remembered me even though it had been more than 20 years. He said I was the student he had the most fun with but also the one who annoyed him the most. I was astonished and asked why. The answer was a surprise.
He said that he had just always thought about me stopping for people even though they were not in my mirrors or changed lanes before you could hear or see the ambulance going full speed. I did not look in my mirror because I knew things before they came to be. He remembered this for years and was thinking about it now and then.
I was overjoyed and loved his words. It is these moments where I realize just how much I use the gift I have been given, those moments when I see it is not everyone who does the same as I do.
What other people see
The moments when you see yourself through other people’s eyes and know this is how I look to people who don’t know me.
Have you ever tried this? Just listening to others and how they see you?
An excellent exercise I use from time to time when I feel like I need to change something up is to ask others to describe me—just telling me how they see me honest and raw but with love.
It can be tough to listen to others and how they see you but also an opportunity to change what does not work for you. To learn and change your path. It is not for the fainthearted at all, because if you ask for raw, you get raw. I have been told many things that could be considered hurtful but also great things with amazing uplifting words.
It is like yin and yang a balance of listening and taking the words to heart. One of the things you have to remind the speaker is that it must be said with love and sent off with love.
What do you think they are going to say? Is it your negative talk in your head that thinks they are going to point out all your flaws or your positive thoughts that think they are only going to say great things.
Sometimes you might be surprised at what comes. You should try it sometime.
Just remember everything should be done with love
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