I want to give you an insight. So, you know what learning processes are on each level.
I believe that it is very important to know your level so you can live the best life possible. When you know your level, you also know what is in your past lives and what your learning processes are in this life.
Level one – is all about just being alive. Learning how to conform to rules, and how not to break this new fragile body. It is learning how to be in human form. As you learn during your human lifetimes to be in human form, it gets easier to relate and be in society.
Level two – This level is all about belonging. You will during these human lifetimes learn how to be a part of a society, community or group. This learning process is at times hard on the soul. Mostly because you might have to compromise your integrity for you not to be thrown out, so they would rather follow the leader than the thrown out. The need to belong is essential for level two souls.
Level three – The ego level. You have learned to conform and belong; now it is all about you. This level is all about how much you own, have, are and can be. It can be a very lonely level if you don’t have good friends around you. This level is one of souls who is learning to set boundaries around themselves.
Level four – Spirituality means the world on this level. It is a level of love and learning about compassion. You have now learned how to set yourself first, and now it is time to let it go again. The many lives the soul has been through gives them an insight into human nature, and this level has healers, psychic and spiritual people. They are now ready to let go of their ego and be in the love that emanates from the universe.
Level Five – This is our teachers. The spiritual teacher who has let go of their ego and learned the many processes. These are writers, spiritual teachers, healers, psychics and souls who teacher those who will listen. They are not bound in materialistic things but love and compassion.
I have to tell you that no level is better or more than others; they are just different.
You might be wiser at level four in some areas but know other things on level two. We all have the power to teach from our own experiences, and the biggest lesson in life is to listen to others and their story. There is a more or less hidden love in all of them.
Once you know your level, you will also know what learning processes are in this lifetime, and what you are not.
You can buy the Levels of Soul Life here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Levels-Soul-Life-Understanding-Progress/dp/8797098302/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=levels+of+soul+life&qid=1591723195&sr=8-1